Monday, August 29, 2011


I am 36 years old. I am a mother, wife, farmer, recipe writer, cook, home school teacher and Internet addict. I am also diabetic. It does not define me. I have kidney damage, high blood pressure, trouble controlling my blood sugar, joint problems (Not the 420 type), and I retain fluid. I am on 8 different medicines at any give time.

When I say I retain fluid it is a big problem. When I left the hospital in February they had almost all the fluid drawn off my body and I was a size 12. I am now back up to a 24 when I have a flare up. Most of the time I do good on the medicine they have me on. Some times I have flare ups. When this happens it is mostly due to stress. My blood pressure and sugar sky rocket, my body retains fluid, and my kidneys slow way down.

I am on a quest to figure out how to make things better. I hope you will join me on my journey. I am researching different natural ways to cure my self, going to different doctors, and changing my diet around.

I will update this blog every other day if not daily as time permits.